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Immigration dominica

  • 09/06/2023

    So, you want to leave Russia? And even decided on the place! Is this the Dominican Republic? The choice is good and logical, because there are practically no bureaucratic barriers to moving here, the climate is mild, the inhabitants are good-natured, life on the island flows slowly. Literally everything is conducive to moving and starting to build a life here. Any migrant with an average income can immigrate to the Dominican Republic. We offer you detailed instructions for immigration, obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence on the Caribbean coast. But before making an important decision that will lead to the fact that you will radically change your life, we advise you to study the nuances of life in the Republic. Perhaps we will start our article with them.

    Information about the realities of life in the Dominican Republic for immigrants All doubts about the life of an immigration dominica Republic have no basis. Living in the Dominican Republic as a resident is quite simple. Here are some reasons why.

    The first thing that speaks in favor of immigration to this particular republic is affordable and comfortable living conditions. This convenience is due to the loyalty of the government towards migrants, and also attracts:

    Warm and comfortable climate of the country. An amazing atmosphere of calmness, lack of rush and fuss. Ability to travel without a visa to Japan and Korea. Affordable housing prices, a simple procedure for purchasing real estate. Stable economy, accelerated GDP growth. And these are not all the reasons that make the Dominican Republic attractive to immigrants. A clear plus is the country's geographical location, developed international air traffic, proximity to the United States, low taxes, unlimited business opportunities.

    The nuances of life in the Dominican Republic - a note to immigrants Making a decision to move based on the advantages of the Dominican Republic alone is not entirely correct. You also need to understand what you can expect from life here. Let's go through the main aspects.

    Real estate - buying or renting?

    So, the first question for an immigrant is where to live? Do not rush to buy an apartment, house, villa. Even if you have the financial ability to do so. Start by renting a home. Even if you decide to definitely live in the Dominican Republic, you may not guess with the area. In order not to sell the acquired housing, first rent it. During this time, you will take a closer look at where you like the most in the Dominican Republic, understand the features, explore new areas. Literally a few months will be enough to understand which housing and in which area of ​​the Dominican Republic suits you best. After that, you can already make a decision on the acquisition of housing in the property.

    Prices for renting real estate in the republic varies by size, type, location. You can find a small apartment starting at $160 a month or you can afford a more comfortable multi-bedroom apartment for $1,000-1,500 a month. In addition to this amount, there are expenses for housing and communal services. Utility bills are high here. Especially electricity. There is no heating here. There is a water pipe, but the water in it is technical. Gas is not centralized, so cylinders should also be purchased additionally at special gas stations.

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